Sep 11, 2011

Calling Fellow Horror-ers

I have been scanning the internet to try and stumble across like-minded folk who may also be running 'horror-blogs' like myself. I am yet to find one.. plenty of horror FORUMS, but no blogs.
Can anyone point me in the direction of some?

I have signed up here:
to offer my services as a horror music writer for independent horror films and also to try and find some other horror blogs!

there must be thousands out there... but where are they?


  1. I haven't had time to puruse your blog, but I saw your post on and it made me excited. They actually edited out my posting of my blog address in my messages at their website, they called it spamming. I was putting it at the bottom of all my posts there, though, which I guess is frowned upon compared to your thread posting about it. I haven't decided if I like posting there or not yet, ha. Anyway, I'm doing a horror movie marathon during the "Scary Movie Season" and posting "reviews" (I guess they are reviews) of each movie I watch on my blog. I wasn't planning on making my blog a dedicated "horror" blog, but until halloween pretty much all I'm putting up there are horror movie viewings.

    I'm interested to check your blog out and see what you have to say about horror. It looks very intriguing.

  2. Thats great! I'm actually releasing a new EP just before halloween too, it's pretty dark so I actually waited until winter was coming around again before releasing it (I write the stuff last winter during a big freeeeze) anyways, I'll be posting a link to it here when it's out. You might like it..
    I was suprised I got so little feedback from the forum actually as I thought there would be HUNDREDS of fellow horror bloggers chatting and promoting on there, but obvs I was wrong! Anyways, I'm glad you have stumbled across my bog and I hope that when you have time to check out some of the posts you'll enjoy my take on 'horror' :) link me up to your blog! L
