Dec 8, 2010

the world shuts down and then.... life seems to happen!

These past few weeks have been incredible for em, I dunno... things shutting down - being inaccessible - out of reach - there and the suddenly gone - OFF - dead - broken - locked - wrong address - mistaken - disconnected.

We've had no internet in our flat for 5 weeks, it's installed now but keeps shutting off for days at a time. My phone had been disconnected and yesterday I paid off the bill to reconnect it but the battery is dead and I left my phone in the last venue. I tried to get it charged up a little in a shop but the mean man in O2 wouldn't even let me charge it for a short time in there (they had one of the chargers but not for sale) because it had a meteor SIM card in it. He actually deconstructed the phone to check and then handed it back to me saying "NO". I was very disappointed with humanity at that moment in time. You'd think he'd just let me charge it anyway..
One of the most important postal deliveries I was expecting to receive this year (post related to the as yet unreleased album) was sent to an address so wrong to where I am living that it's a miracle it even found me!
Then tonight our car broke down. 1am, parked in the middle of town. We have filled the meter until 10am and hopefully it won't get toed....
I am having a great time though! absorbing myself in creative projects that have had to be pushed aside until now due to the full on commitment I've had to album, touring, business, since em.. well... all year really!

Still lots to be done and not a lot of cooperation from the gods, but it's nice feeling alive again!

from the deep, dark, icy, hole of winter,
Laura xxx

PS. I have set up a Tumblr account, for more of the photographic stuff I've been making which doesn't quite qualify for this "horror blog" type thing. I'm still intending on writing about gruesome stuff here when the feeling strikes me, but I am making photos nearly everyday so need somewhere to put them too.. you can follow my tumblr here:

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